Category:Industrial engineeringGastric electrical and adrenergic neuronal responses to prolonged ingestion of ethanol.
Chronic alcohol ingestion has been shown to alter gastric electrical and adrenergic neuronal responses. This study was undertaken to determine the degree to which these responses were modified by prolonged ethanol ingestion. Prolonged intragastric infusion of ethanol (120 mmol/kg, 36 hr) reduced the duration of inhibition of gastric corpus and antral circular smooth muscle contraction in rats by 50%. In pentobarbital-anesthetized rats pretreated with atropine and l-norepinephrine, intragastric infusion of ethanol for 36 hr decreased antral muscle contractile responses to adrenergic stimulation. However, in atropine-treated rats, ethanol failed to decrease the contractile response to either 5-hydroxytryptamine or histamine. Similar decreases in the responsiveness to 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine were observed in the myenteric plexus of the antral fundus of ethanol-pretreated rats. Because ethanol is absorbed through the gut wall and into the circulation, these results indicate that ethanol may be acting on sites outside of the stomach to decrease its contractile response to adrenergic and tachykinin stimulation. The inability of ethanol to influence responses to 5-hydroxytryptamine or histamine, which do not involve adrenergic neurons, suggests that chronic ethanol ingestion decreases the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to agonist stimulation.Q:
how to access JSON file with dynamic name
I have a script that works perfectly on a static JSON file, but I am unable to access the file. I need to make it dynamic so that it will accept a dynamic name to refer to the JSON file.
The below works on the static JSON file:
import requests
import json
import os
with open('static.json', 'r') as fin:
json_data = json.load(fin)
with open('dynamic.json', 'r') as fin:
json_data = json.load(fin)
for number in json_data:
print (number)
The JSON file is formatted like this:
"text1" : "This is some text 1",
"text2" : "This is some text 2"
The issue is that the name of be359ba680
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